I Now Own An Awesome PA!

Today was the day I picked up my new BOSE SQ1 Pro Speaker/PA system. I finally bit the bullet this week and as you can see from the Video I was just a teeny bit excited about unboxing it! So excited in fact that I rushed home and propped my iPhone up on a box and proceeded to record with #nomakeup and #nofilters haha.

As well as running on mains power the unit has a rechargeable lithium battery which is great peace of mind for my Clients and myself in case of any power issues on the day! It also connects via Bluetooth to a smartphone so although I don’t organise the music for Ceremonies, my clients are welcome to utilise my professional Speaker/PA set up.

I’ll be testing this bad boy out with my wireless mic later today…Karaoke anyone??!!


The Importance Of Excellent Audio Equipment To Your Ceremony


Fully Vaccinated