Privacy policy


As a Commonwealth Registered Civil Celebrant I have an obligation under both the Privacy Act and the Marriage Celebrant Code of Conduct to ensure that Client privacy is maintained. Below are the measures I have put in place to maintain this Privacy:

  • not discussing any information with a third party without the explicit permission of the client/s.

  • providing an office (or otherwise private environment) where clients can discuss issues in privacy and confidence.

  • ensuring that information collected from a client is used only for the purpose for which it was collected, unless I have permission from the client to do so.

  • making information held about clients available to them if they request it.

  • ensuring all anti-virus and anti-hacking software is current for my computer.

  • having codes and password protection for computers.

  • ensuring that any hard copies of agreements or contracts are stored in a lockable steel cabinet, which is set in a secure environment.